
“Whakakai te Reo me ōna Tikanga hei tiki mōu”
The Māori language and traditions is an adornment to be lived and realised.

Ko Wai Māua

“Me iti tō iti, ka haere ō rongo”
Tā ngā kōrero o ngā kupu kua whakairohia ki te mōteatea “E Muri Ahiahi” He ariā mō te whakaiti me te noho hei pononga mō te Iwi. Ko roto i o māua pīkokotanga ko te aroha o te reo Māori me ngā tikanga o Ngāpuhi.

“Me iti tō iti, ka haere ō rongo” 
As quoted within the fourth verse of “E Muri Ahiahi” a notion of humility and service. Thus a key indicator to our passion and commitment to ‘Te Reo me ōna Tikanga’ at the forefront of our being is the love for our culture and aspects of Ngāpuhi.  

Isaiah Apiata

Ko Pouerua te maunga
Ko Waitangi te awa 
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te waka 
Ko Peowhairangi te moana 
Ko Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1840 te whare tupuna 
Ko Ngāti Rāhiri me Te Kau-I-Mua ngā hapu 
Ko Ngāpuhi te Iwi 

Muritere Apiata

Ko Puketohunoa, Te Reinga me Panguru Papata ngā maunga 
Ko Taumarere, Waihou nui o rua me Whakarapa ngā awa 
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te waka 
Ko Pewhairangi me Hokianga ngā moana
Ko Ngāti Manu, Waimirirangi me Te Puna i te ao mārama ngā whare tupuna
Ko Ngāti Manu me Te Waiariki ngā hapu 
Ko Ngāpuhi me Te Rarawa ki Hokianga ngā Iwi


Whakakai is committed to empowering whānau and hapu with mātauranga tuku iho, this being a catalyst for societal transformation. By embracing an understanding our whakapapa, we contribute to the evolution of hapu, fostering heathier paradigms and reshaping the collective mindset of our iwi.


“Kia karanga te reo, Kia mihi te reo, Kia waiata te reo”

Mōteatea is a traditional Māori poetic form, sharing knowledge about Mōteatea involves understanding it’s characteristics, cultural significant in the role it plays in preserving Māori heritage.

Whakapā mai

ĪMERA: admin@whakakai.co.nz